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2021-55-CHE-SDG 3 / Foundation Hof Rickenbach

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Foundation Hof Rickenbach, Rickenbach, Switzerland

Country / Place

Switzerland, canton Luzern, Rickenbach

Rickenbach is a village and a political municipality in the electoral district of Sursee in the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland. The municipality lies about 20 km northwest of the cantonal capital Lucerne. Building remains and coins from Roman era as well as an Alemannic burial ground indicate early settlement in the village.



The former Rickenbach convent of the Arenberg Dominican Sisters already offered rooms in the guest wing for people who needed a time out and wanted to come to rest. Even then, it was a place that could be perceived as a secure home and every guest was lovingly cared for and accompanied by the convent sisters. With the renovation in 2020/2021, the convent was transformed into today's Hof Rickenbach. A place which serves as a home for young people with dementia and which accompanies other dementia guests as well as their relatives.


Hof Obergrüt moves and becomes Hof Rickenbach

Hof Obergrüt looks back on many successful years and is very much looking forward to a new era in its new home, the converted Hof Rickenbach. Luzia Hafner's impressive success story, which began 16 years ago, can now write its next chapter on the converted premises of the former Rickenbach convent.


Hof Rickenbach - a place with heart

Hof Rickenbach is a place of togetherness and homecoming. Here, people with dementia are welcomed with open heart and communication is done with everyone at eye level. The diagnosis of dementia is initially difficult to accept and brings with it many challenges. This is a situation that relatives can usually only bear alone for a short period of time. The loving care at Hof Rickenbach relieves the burden on the families of patients and the variety of daytime activities offered in the area enable those affected by dementia to have a meaningful everyday life.



The care offered in the residential groups is primarily aimed at young people with dementia as well as guests of all ages in the daycare and holiday facilities. To be affected young means to fall ill under the age of 65. Extensive and supportive facilities are available in the Hof Rickenbach complex. The specialised services are geared towards individual support and the needs of young people. The additional care is not covered by care funding and must be financed through donations.


Website Hof Rickenbach

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