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Imholz Foundation SDG-world
Imholz Foundation seven UN-SDG

What we do / Projects

Imholz Foundation Logo with seven UN goals

The Yvonne and Peter Imholz Foundation supports projects of smaller organisations or private individuals worldwide, that meet one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) selected by us. Our project partners carry out activities and campaigns for people, animals, and the environment in Switzerland or abroad.

Below you will find a selection of the current projects we have promoted so far. The UN goal (SDG number and information) to be achieved is listed for each project.

For reasons of data and privacy protection, not all projects are published.

Supported Projects

Projects year 2024

South Africa - Khula Foundation - Health Project

Project countries

According to the articles of incorporation, we can promote projects all over the world.
So far, we have supported projects in the following countries:

Would you like to know more about the projects in a specific country?
Visit our page Project-Countries/-Partners

Project countries

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