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2023-142-TZA-SDG 1 / Association Mchezo wa rangi

SDG 3: Gesundheit uns Wohlergehen

Association Mchezo wa rangi, Sattel, Switzerland

Country / Place

Tanzania, Nafco village, Monduli district, Arusha region

Tanzania is a country in East Africa. It is located on the Indian Ocean and borders Kenya and Uganda to the north, Rwanda, Burundi and the DR Congo to the west, and Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique to the south. With about 56 million inhabitants, the country is the fifth largest in Africa by population. The capital of the state is Dodoma, but the largest city is the coastal city of Dar es Salaam.  

Arusha is a city in north-east Tanzania and is the third largest in the country. The Monduli District is one of seven districts in the Arusha Region.



The Association Mchezo wa rangi is committed to helping children in Tanzania. It wants to ensure that as many children as possible have the opportunity to attend school under good conditions and are motivated to learn. In this way, they support their families, resulting in less poverty.

"Mchezo wa rangi" means "play of colours" in English. It is about colours that connect continents. A rainbow is the connection between heaven and earth. It signifies hope and is a symbol of diversity.



The village of Nafco lies within the Tarangire Conservation Area, which covers an area of 585 square kilometres on the north-eastern border of the famous Tarangire National Park.

Agriculture is the most important economic sector in the Monduli district, with more than 90 per cent of the population living from arable and livestock farming. There are a few large farms in the southern part of the country, otherwise agriculture is mostly carried out by small farmers for self-sufficiency. Maize, beans, and rice are grown, as well as coffee and sunflowers. The main livestock are goats, cattle, and sheep.

At Nafco Primary School, 800 children are taught from kindergarten to seventh grade. Despite the sometimes very long journey to school, they go to school every day and are happy to have the opportunity to receive an education.



Project 2022: clean water
To guarantee clean water for the children, four water tanks with 5’000 litres of rainwater each were built. The tanks treat the collected water. It can be used for drinking and cooking without any problems.

Project 2023: Plates and cups
Many children suffer from malnutrition with the known negative consequences for their health. This is why varied meals at school are very important. The children often do not have plates for their meals and use different containers instead, e.g. cut-up PET bottles. The purchase of plates and cups for each schoolchild was made possible.

Even after more than 20 years of school operation, there are still many projects that one would like to realise. However, implementation is only possible if funding is secured first. Here is a selection of the wish list:
- School uniforms, writing materials, paper, tablets, etc.
- Additional water tanks and pumps to transport the water to the higher parts of the school
- Renovate and expand school infrastructure (additional classrooms, library, etc.)

Verein Mchezo wa rangi

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