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2021-2023-IDN-SDG 1 / StarKids Foundation

SDG 1: No Poverty

StarKids Foundation, Thusis, Switzerland

Country / Place

Indonesia, Bali

Indonesia is a nation comprised of multiple islands in Southeast Asia, spread over a total of 17,508 islands. It borders Malaysia on the island of Borneo, Papua New Guinea on the island of New Guinea, and East Timor on the island of Timor. With its more than 274 million inhabitants, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world. About half of the population lives on the island of Java, which is also home to the capital Jakarta.

Bali is one of the richer areas in Indonesia. The south of the island is the main beneficiary of tourism and is very fertile. The north, where the StarKids projects are located, suffers from enormous drought outside the monsoon season. The supply situation of the inhabitants is very bad and child mortality is high. Malnutrition, impoverishment, and declining education levels affect both the daily lives and the future of many children.



The StarKids Foundation has set itself the goal of permanently improving the quality of life of children in extreme poverty. Since 2007, they have set up various aid projects for orphans and street children. In their children's homes, children find a home, security, and safety. They attach great importance to providing the best possible education and accompany the children as they start their professional and family lives. The Foundation is a contribution to social responsibility towards those who have few opportunities.



'Surya Indra' - Under the Protection of the Sun God. The Balinese woman 'Indrayani Made' founded the family-friendly and uncomplicated aid organisation "Surya Indra" in her home country in 2007. Her goal is to directly help needy orphans and street children. Today, "Surya Indra" cares for and supports children through three different projects.

- since 2007 the "Surya Indra" children's home
- since 2009 the school project "Tirta Shanti
- since 2010 the children's home "Desawan Orphanage



Children's home "Desawan Orphanage"

In summer 2010, the authorities brought Indrayani's attention to the children's home "Desawan Orphanage", which was in an extremely difficult situation. The orphanage is located in the countryside north of Bali. It was founded by a politician who stopped his involvement after stepping down from office. Sooner or later, this would have meant poverty for the orphans. Indrayani courageously took over responsibility for the children in the home.  

Originally, orphans from Java were accommodated in the home. Today, mainly children from impoverished backgrounds live in the "Desawan Orphanage". Since 2013, all children attend a well-functioning school in the neighbouring community. The children are motivated and enjoy going to school.

The Orphanage is surrounded by nature. Behind the house, vegetables and fruit are grown for domestic consumption. In addition, animals such as ducks, cows and pigs are kept. The children take on the responsibility of raising and growing these in their free time and in doing so learn many useful things for the future.


Website StarKids

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