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2021-2022-CHE-SDG 3 / Association Tenna Hospiz

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Association Tenna Hospiz, Tenna, Switzerland

Country / Place

Switzerland, Canton Grisons, Tenna

The village Walser in the Safiental (Safien Valley) lies on a sunny terrace and is well served by a road and post bus that service the village year-round. Important infrastructure for the village, such as shops, a post office, a restaurant and hotel, a church, and a school are centrally located and are maintained and promoted by the local population.


Residential community "Alte Sennerei"  (old alpine dairy), Tenna

Since August 2021, a residential community with a high level of competence in health- and palliative-care for the elderly has been living in Tenna. For this purpose, the Tenna Hospice Association has created the "Alte Sennerei", an innovative building with living space suitable for nursing care. The greatest need of people in the last stage of life, social isolation and loneliness, is counteracted with a holistic and caring concept of care and support.



The "Alte Sennerei" residential community offers inpatient accommodation and mutual care for people who can no longer live at home. The cooperation with outpatient services creates a place that is "between home and at home", and at the same time relieves the immense services and burdens of  caretaking relatives.

The associated social programme extends the impact of the project and reaches many people long before they have to leave their home at the end of their lives. In the social programme they set up an age-friendly environment in the remote mountain valley; through outreach work, a caring community is created that also fosters exchange between generations. In addition, they organise cultural events (readings, concerts) with regional impact.


Social café in the "Alte Sennerei"

The social café in the "Alte Sennerei" is part of the Tenna Hospice project. The café connects the residential community and the population in the Safiental. It creates opportunities for hikers and guests to meet and eat in the remote mountain village. Generations meet here, schoolchildren come for lunch, village residents for a round of cards, the priest for a pastoral discussion, and single people to exchange ideas or read.



The realisation of the "Alte Sennerei" project is profesionally accompanied and will provide important findings for an alternative care and nursing offer in the mountain area, which will not place an additional financial burden on the public sector and will promote regional development.

The house, the renovation and all the facilities had to be financed first. Thanks to donations and contributions, the Association Tenna Hospice was able to create a functional building. However, there remains residual financing for building costs, operating facilities, and equipment.

There is still a wish list - https://tennahospiz.ch/willkommen-welcome/tenna-hospiz/finanzierung/

Website Tenna Hospiz

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