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2022-02-LBN-SDG 4 / Association S4L

SDG 4: Quality Education

Association S4L (Swiss4Lebanon), Zurich, Switzerland

Country / Place

South Lebanon, Lebanon

Lebanon is a state in the Near East on the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Syria to the north and east and Israel along the Blue Line to the south. In the west it is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. The Lebanon Mountains, up to 3000 meters high, are snow-covered in winter. The country's name is derived from its white peaks. Beirut is the capital and the economic and cultural centre of the country. It is located on the eastern Mediterranean Sea, on the Levant coast, approximately in the middle of its north-south extension.



Lebanon has about 7 million inhabitants (as of 2019). Of these, about 95 % are of Arab, 4 % of Armenian and 1 % of other descent. The population structure has changed significantly since 2011 due to the influx of numerous refugees from the Syrian civil war. The country took in about 1.5 million Syrians and most of them still live in Lebanon after more than 10 years. Refugees thus make up about a quarter of Lebanon's resident population. The rapid increase in population within a few years puts great strain on the economy and infrastructure. Supply bottlenecks occur regularly.



Swiss4Lebanon makes education possible for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. In cooperation with local partners, they run a school, for children aged four to twelve, in one of the most in-need refugee communities. Since the school opened in January 2016, the number of enrolled students has grown to 140. The school employs five teachers, a director, and a bus driver. The teachers also teach literacy to women in the refugee camps. The computer course for young people is very popular.


Project-support: School fees for primary school

Many more children are on the waiting list and hope to get a place at the school soon. The support covers the full costs of a pupil for a whole year, including a daily lunch, school material, school operation and transport by school bus to and from the school.


Website Swiss4Lebanon

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