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2022-30-KEN-SDG 4 / Solafrica

SDG 4: Quality Education

Solafrica, Bern, Switzerland



Kenya is a country in East Africa. It borders South Sudan to the northwest, Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the northeast, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west and the Indian Ocean to the southeast. The capital and largest city of the country is Nairobi.



Solafrica is an independent Swiss development and climate protection organisation promoting solar energy. The association spreads the use of solar energy to create development opportunities for people and to protect the climate. The focus is on education, entrepreneurship, and energy supply.



The activities are implemented through various projects in Switzerland and the African countries of Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Kenya. Access to modern, reliable, affordable, and climate-friendly energy is the basic prerequisite for sustainable social and economic development. Secure energy access enables economic growth, the empowerment of women, children and youth, better educational opportunities, and functioning health care.



Solar Learning Youth Centres Project

The project enables underprivileged Kenyan youths to train as solar specialists. The training provides general knowledge in mathematics and physics, as well as theoretical and practical knowledge in solar technology. What is learned is put into practice by building a solar installation.

During the two-year project period, 80 young people will receive theoretical and practical training. The project includes the development of a curriculum adapted to the youth, setting up the learning environment and employing suitable teachers. The students are closely supervised by the project partners in Kenya. On completion of the training, the young people receive a state-recognised licence as solar specialists.  

In cooperation with four solar companies, workshops are also held and internships are made possible. The class of prospective solar specialists is made up of boys from the Kabete Youth Centre and girls from the Dagoretti Youth Centre, as well as external students. The focus is on their interests and strengths.

Together with teachers from Strathmore University, a qualitative and inclusive training programme – regardless of gender and social status – is conducted. As the youths are based in different localities in Kenya, the potential to expand solar energy in rural and suburban areas is great. Especially in these areas, off-grid solar systems are a dependable, sustainable, and attractive solution.

Website Solafrica

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