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2022-39-CRM-SDG 1 / miva association

SDG 1: No poverty

miva association, Wil, Schweiz



Cameroon is a country in Central Africa. It borders Nigeria, Chad, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and the Atlantic Ocean. The largest cities are the capital Yaoundé and the port city Douala.

Due to the high humidity, large parts of the country are forested. This is especially the case in the south of the country, where dense rainforests grow. On the other hand, the northern part of Cameroon is very dry, plagued by droughts, and covered only in grass. "Mount Cameroon", an active volcano, is the highest mountain in West Africa at over 4,000 metres.



miva specialises in the financing and professional procurement of suitable transport and communication equipment. This is because there is often a lack of such equipment to realise projects in an efficient way.  

The miva association is one of the oldest development organisations in Switzerland and has helped countless people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Whether it is a mule, an ambulance, an all-terrain vehicle, a truck, a bicycle, a ship, a computer, or a satellite radio system: miva's support is always adapted to the local conditions.



Local people know their needs best. That is why miva supports local partners with their own projects, whose help reaches the largest possible number of people. miva's project partners are responsible for their own projects.

With this activity, miva promotes sustainable development on the ground so that people can improve their economic and social situation themselves. The aid supports the independence of the project partners and does not lead to financial and ideological dependence.



Wheelbarrows for women

In Cameroon, wheelbarrows are just the right means of transport. Single women in Cameroon have a hard life: to provide for their families, they carry the heaviest loads on their heads every day. The wheelbarrows produced in Cameroon help women count on increased food security and a better income, because they can carry food home or to market with much less physical hardship.


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