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2022-52-NPL-SDG 1 / Association Sano Prakash

SDG 1: No Poverty

Association Sano Prakash, Urdorf, Switzerland

Country / Place

Nepal, Butwal (approx. 240 km southwest of Kathmandu)

Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia. It borders China to the north and India to the east, south and west. A republic was proclaimed in the former kingdom in May 2008. The country has 29 million inhabitants and is ethnically and culturally a mosaic of minorities.

The capital Kathmandu is the seat of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. With about one million inhabitants in the urban area and a good 1.4 million in the metropolitan area, it is the largest city in the country.



Sano Prakash was founded in 2015 by the Swiss Jeanine E. (primary school teacher) and the Nepalese Amit B. (secondary school teacher), and has existed as an official association in Switzerland since 2017.

Sano Prakash (English: little light) is an aid organisation that provides education for children in Butwal. It focuses on street children, homeless children and on those who cannot afford an education financially or can only afford it with difficulty.


School «Junkiri Planet»

Their own school is called "Firefly Planet". At present, 107 pupils from playgroup age to 10th grade are taught at the school. The parents pay the cost of tuition and meals. However, some children attend the school free of charge because their families cannot afford the expenses.  


Sano Prakash Home

Sano Prakash Home is a loving place, housed in the school buildings, for children who are homeless and need support. The children live with Jeanine and Amit and attend the "Firefly School". Currently, thirteen boys and girls are living in the Sano Prakash Home. The respective family circumstances have led to the children not being able to live with their parents.



Building a school and running a children's home at the same time requires a lot of energy, patience, and sufficient financial resources. It also requires a good team that sets goals and then implements them together with a lot of energy.  

With as little as CHF 60, one can fulfil the wishes of the Firefly School or the Sano Prakash Children's Home. A wish list has been created for this purpose: www.sanoprakash.org/home/unsere-wunschliste.

Website Sano Prakash

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