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2022-56-TZA-SDG 4 / Association Jambo Bukoba

SDG 4: Quality Education

Association Jambo Bukoba, Munich, Germany

Country / Place

Tanzania, Bukoba town, Kagera region

The Kagera region is located in the northwestern most part of Tanzania. The administrative centre of the region is Bukoba on Lake Victoria. The town is characterised by regional coffee cultivation.

Tanzania is a country in East Africa. It is located on the Indian Ocean and borders Kenya and Uganda to the north, Rwanda, Burundi and the DR Congo to the west, and Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique to the south.  

The country is Africa's fifth largest country by population, with just under 56 million inhabitants. The capital of the state is Dodoma, but the largest city is the coastal city of Dar es Salaam. About 125 languages are spoken, mostly Bantu languages, but also Nilotic and Cushitic languages, Arabic, and some Indian languages. Swahili, the most spoken language is also the official language of the State, and English is the common working language.



The Association Jambo Bukoba works for more education, health, and equality in Tanzania, so that children and young people have better opportunities for their futures. The projects are implemented and supported by the partner organisation Jambo for Development. In addition to the approach of sport for development, the approach of helping people to help themselves is also used. The government, communities, parents, teachers, and students are actively involved and take over responsibility themselves.

Better educational opportunities through an improved learning environment and the learning of life skills

A healthy decent life for children through drinking water, hygiene, and education

Gender Equality:
Equal opportunities for women and girls. Through empowerment, education, and access to important resources



At Buyekera Primary School, 29 teachers currently teach 716 girls and 687 boys. Only 18 classrooms are available for these 1’403 children, i.e. one classroom for 78 pupils. Under these conditions, it is very difficult for the students and to learn in a concentrated and motivated.



Two new classrooms for Buyekera Primary School

Through School Building Projects a conducive and sustainable environment for children and youth is created to help them achieve their dreams.

Buyekera Primary School was classified by the district government as a school in special need. Thus the school receives direct support in the form of a project to improve the current infrastructure. The scope and content of the project were determined at a meeting between the school and the community in 2021. Two classrooms will be built at Buyekera Primary School and equipped according to government specifications.

The construction of the new classrooms will improve the classroom per pupil ratio from the current 1:78 to 1:70.

Website Jambo Bukoba

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