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2022-73-VNM-SDG 2 / Association Anh Bucheli Relief Project

Zero Hunger

Association Anh Bucheli Relief Project, Lucerne, Switzerland



Vietnam is an elongated coastal state in Southeast Asia. It borders China, Laos, Cambodia, the Gulf of Thailand, and the South China Sea. Vietnam's geography is also described as a "bamboo pole with two rice bowls": Two fertile rice-producing river deltas lie to the north and south, with a narrow, rather barren area of forest and mountains in between as a link. Altogether, three quarters of Vietnam is covered by mountains and plateaus.

Vietnam has an estimated 100 million inhabitants. The majority of them live in the densely populated areas of the Red River and Mekong estuaries or in the urban regions of the large cities. Hanoi became the capital of reunified Vietnam in 1976. The largest city by population and the economic centre of the country is Ho-Chi-Minh City. The city is one of the fastest growing cities in the world.



The Association “Anh Bucheli Relief Project” was founded in 2019 with the aim of distributing natural goods to people in need, mainly children and the elderly, in Vietnam.

Citation of the Association founder Ahn Bucheli:
"My compassion for people in need and the suffering after the flooding in 2016 in Vietnam, the region of my parents, moved me to organise efficient aid. My help is materially limited, but from the heart and with great commitment. That's why I rely on any support from friends and acquaintances. I am very grateful to everyone for that."



The Association is active in Southern Vietnam, i.e., in the area from Hue to Ho-Chi-Minh City.

They buy food (rice, oil, sugar, etc.) or school materials, and donate them to homes for children, the disabled, and the elderly. Which homes are considered must be discussed and approved with the authorities. Food is procured from local producers. School materials are bought in local shops.



The purchase of food and school materials for 400 to 900 people in homes for the elderly, children, and orphans, is planned for 2023. How many people can be supported depends on the financial resources available.

The outreaches in Vietnam are planned and coordinated by Ms Ahn Bucheli with an official from the social welfare office in Vietnam. She is also planning a trip there again this year to monitor the activities on the ground.


Website Association
Anh Bucheli Relief Project

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