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2023-30-CHE-SDG 1 / Association Surprise

SDG 1: No poverty

Association Surprise, Basel, Switzerland

Country / Cities

Switzerland: Basel, Bern, Zurich

Compared to other European countries, the average standard of living in Switzerland is high. However, there are surprisingly many people affected by poverty. In 2020, 722’000 people, or 8.5 percent, of the population were affected by poverty - every twelfth person in Switzerland. Almost twice as many, a good 1.3 million, were considered at risk of poverty.



The Association Surprise has been supporting socially disadvantaged people affected by poverty in Switzerland since 1998. Perspectives are created with a combination of employment opportunities, offers to participate in social life, as well as low-threshold social work counselling and support. This helps people discover and strengthen their abilities and is thus sustainable. Surprise also raises public awareness about social justice and the structural causes of poverty.



In cooperation with social institutions, Surprise organises "Social City Walks" - unique in Switzerland.

In Basel, Bern and Zurich, the Surprise city guides talk about their everyday lives and show people places that they would otherwise pass by carelessly. They take the visitors to their public living room or private emergency sleeping place and show the structural causes of poverty along the way. Topics such as addiction, mental illness, homelessness, or violence against women are part of the city tours.

The city guides have a common mission: they want to reduce prejudices!



Social City Walks

The Social City Walks create awareness of the background of poverty in Switzerland and its very concrete consequences.

On two-hour tours, specially trained people affected by poverty, and closely accompanied by Surprise, tell their personal stories. They take the groups of visitors with them on their way into poverty and explain the structural conditions of people at risk of poverty in Switzerland. Participants gain an authentic insight into the everyday lives of homeless people and people experiencing poverty.

Experience three "rich" Swiss cities from a new perspective. People affected by poverty and homeless people - the experts of the street - talk about their everyday lives.


Book appointments at www.surprise.ngo/angebote/stadtrundgang/


Website Surprise
Social City Walks

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